Tuesday, March 29, 2011


2010 was an amazing year that began with me being on the edge of throwing in the towel on a twenty three year concrete career.

I put my nose into the wind, and not knowing if I would have concrete work at all, studied and obtained my skydive tandem rating to try and muster up some income at the drop zone.

Soon after, surprisingly, the concrete work started to trickle in and I was to work concrete and skydiving seven days a week for the next four months.

Thankfully, things slowed enough for me to take the time to marry my beautiful wife and spend a week camping near the Mackinaw Straights on our amazing honeymoon.

The rest of the year was spent settling things at home, spending time with friends and family and healing an aging mind and body after a sincerely demanding season.

I don't know what 2011 has in store for me but I am ready for the challenge.

I am surrounded by people who love and believe in me and it drives me like a locomotive.

The gift I have to work with my hands is becoming more rare every day.

That gift in " tandem " with my willingness to take some chances in life makes me very lucky.

Happy New Year everyone!

Get out this year and do some work with your hands. Take a chance on something you believe in and most importantly, HAVE FUN!

Your friend and concrete guy,


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Post post

We share a postal box with two neighbors that is in need of replacement.

So concrete of course!